Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wed., May 13, Science of Mind Magazine Conversation is on “Solitude”

May’s theme for the SOM Magazine is “Solitude.” This coming Wednesday, May 13, at our classroom (Karen Taul’s Artistic Expressions Studio), we are going to read excerpts in May’s SOM Magazine and have everyone share how solitude works for us. For example on page 112 in May’s SOM Magazine, Ralph Waldo Emerson says: “It is easy in the word to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great person is one who in the midst of the crowd keeps with the perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” For me, one reason I go into solitude is to explore the unity that lies beneath our apparent loneliness. Come at 6:00pm for meditation/visioning and at 7:00pm we begin sharing how solitude works for us. If you need directions or more information, please go to our weblog site Spiritual Living Pensacola or call Carolyn Vary at 850-637-4488. See you Wednesday evening.

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