Friday, May 22, 2009

The Peaceful Warrior Movie

The Peaceful Warrior DVD is based on Dan Millman's best-selling autobiographical book, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, and is a moving story about the power of the human spirit.

In the Peaceful Warrior DVD, Dan Millman (Scott Melchowiz) is a talented, yet arrogant college gymnast who seems to have it all. He gets good grades, has disposable relationships and is trying out for the Olympics. But he still wakes up in cold sweats at night. His (Scott Melchowiz) world is turned upside down after he meets a mysterious stranger he refers to as Socrates (Nick Nolte). Socrates (Nick Nolte) seems to hold the power to tap into new worlds of strength and understanding and becomes Dan's (Scott Melchowiz) mentor who guides him through various avenues of his life.

Dan (Scott Melchowiz) suffers from a serious injury, and with the help of Socrates (Nick Nolte) and a mysterious young woman (Amy Smart), he grows to realize that strength of spirit is what leads a man to his true greatness. He (Scott Melchowiz) learns that he has to let go of the person he thought he was and start living in the moment by appreciating the journey and accepting his lack of control over the future.

Be sure to catch The Peaceful Warrior at 7:00pm in our home on Wednesday, May 27.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wed., May 13, Science of Mind Magazine Conversation is on “Solitude”

May’s theme for the SOM Magazine is “Solitude.” This coming Wednesday, May 13, at our classroom (Karen Taul’s Artistic Expressions Studio), we are going to read excerpts in May’s SOM Magazine and have everyone share how solitude works for us. For example on page 112 in May’s SOM Magazine, Ralph Waldo Emerson says: “It is easy in the word to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great person is one who in the midst of the crowd keeps with the perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” For me, one reason I go into solitude is to explore the unity that lies beneath our apparent loneliness. Come at 6:00pm for meditation/visioning and at 7:00pm we begin sharing how solitude works for us. If you need directions or more information, please go to our weblog site Spiritual Living Pensacola or call Carolyn Vary at 850-637-4488. See you Wednesday evening.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Your Daily Affirmations for the second week of May, 2009

Affirmations this month Submitted by —Rev. Dr. Jesse G. Jennings

“Now is the month of Maying,” and merrily may we be playing. As springtime deepens and sunbeams widen, so the seeds we have planted are bursting into full flower all around us. An intelligence has taken hold of them that knows what to do and is doing it; like those seeds, you and I are steadily progressing into greater expression of our own natural state as Godlings. May these daily affirmations serve you as gentle promptings of the Power and Presence within and all around, awaiting recognition and conscious use.

Note: Feel free to forward this email to friends and family who might be interested.

Friday, May 8, 2009
Today I honor my natural capacity for good and productive work. I achieve greatness because of who and what I am, expressing my life in excellent service to the world.

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Today I accept life just as it is and myself just as I am, releasing the need to appraise and compare it to any time beside the now. I choose to feel safe, free, well, and happy, and trust the Universe to support me in this.

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Today I experience the nurturing and giving nature of the Universe I inhabit. From every direction, unconditional love and encouragement arrive, cheering me on to be fully who I am.

Monday, May 11, 2009
Today I am open to remembering ways of living that make me smile. There is plenty of time for me to slow down and relish the beauty and kindness in each moment and to meet every responsibility.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Today I am comfortably at home in a Universe that responds by cor­responding. Willing to live up to my word, I use my judgments with loving discretion for the highest good of all concerned.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Today I let go and watch life roll out on its own terms, content to guide my own consciousness and tend my thinking to support the most magnificent outcomes. My future couldn’t be brighter.

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Today I choose to feel enriched, empowered, and emboldened, no longer postponing my bliss. What I have is ample, and more of all good things are on the way.

These affirmations are excerpted from Science of Mind magazine Daily Guides. The Daily Guide is a wonderful way to start the day! Click here to subscribe.