Friday, May 4, 2012

Returning to the Art Studio and "Living without Fear"

The location of our 6:30pm Wednesday evening gatherings is returning to Karen Taul's Artistic Expressions Studio at 1007 South Old Corry Field Road, Pensacola, FL 32007, effective May 9, 2012. This location is 1/2 mile east of Navy Blvd and 3 blocks north of Barrancas Ave. Visit Our interactive group discussion for May and June is based on Earnest Holmes book, "Living Without Fear." We look forward to your participation in this discussion! Love, Peace and Joy, Carolyn & Jim Vary

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April - Spiritual Consciousness Month

For the month of April the regular weekly Wednesday evening group at our home will be interactively discussing the difference between Spiritual Consciousness and Awareness. We welcome your presence and participation! Visit for directions to our home.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Location for Spiritual Living Teaching Chapter of Pensacola is Moved

The location of our 6:30pm Wednesday evening gatherings is moved to Carolyn and Jim Vary's home effective February 15, 2012. Directions to home and our phone number is in the header of this blogspot. We look forward to sharing our home with you. In Peace, Joy and Love, Carolyn & Jim

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Schedule

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

We will be closed on Wednesday, Nov. 23, and Wednesday, Nov. 30, while we enjoy the Thanksgiving Holiday with our family and friends.

When we return on Wednesday, Dec. 7, we will focus our discussion around affirmations.

Blessings, Carolyn and Jim

Monday, December 21, 2009

Weekly Schedule Update

SLTCP's weekly schedule is updated. The update is: We will continue our interactive group discussions about Spiritual Living principles EVERY Wednesday evening in our classroom at Karen Taul's Artistic Expressions Studio, commencing at 6:30 p.m.. Please feel free to call Carolyn at 850-937-6730 if you have any questions. Directions to the classroom are posted in:

In Love and Peace, Carolyn and Jim

Sunday, June 28, 2009

SLTCP Weekly Schedule Update

Hi Spiritual Beings!

SLTCP's weekly schedule is updated. The update is: We will continue our enthusiastically interactive Spiritual Living Conversation about Science of Mind/Religious Science principles EVERY Wednesday evening in our classroom at Karen Taul's Artistic Expressions Studio. The previous schedule which included the 2nd Wednesday Science of Mind Magazine Conversation, 4th Wednesday Movie Night, and 5th Wednesday Potluck may return this Fall. Please feel free to call Carolyn at 850-637-4488 if you have any questions. Directions to our classroom are posted in:

In Love and Peace, Carolyn and Jim

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Peaceful Warrior Movie

The Peaceful Warrior DVD is based on Dan Millman's best-selling autobiographical book, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, and is a moving story about the power of the human spirit.

In the Peaceful Warrior DVD, Dan Millman (Scott Melchowiz) is a talented, yet arrogant college gymnast who seems to have it all. He gets good grades, has disposable relationships and is trying out for the Olympics. But he still wakes up in cold sweats at night. His (Scott Melchowiz) world is turned upside down after he meets a mysterious stranger he refers to as Socrates (Nick Nolte). Socrates (Nick Nolte) seems to hold the power to tap into new worlds of strength and understanding and becomes Dan's (Scott Melchowiz) mentor who guides him through various avenues of his life.

Dan (Scott Melchowiz) suffers from a serious injury, and with the help of Socrates (Nick Nolte) and a mysterious young woman (Amy Smart), he grows to realize that strength of spirit is what leads a man to his true greatness. He (Scott Melchowiz) learns that he has to let go of the person he thought he was and start living in the moment by appreciating the journey and accepting his lack of control over the future.

Be sure to catch The Peaceful Warrior at 7:00pm in our home on Wednesday, May 27.